Posted October 20, 2022
How to Submit Your Maps
- You need to ensure your map is already set to “Public” in settings. If the map setting is set to private we can’t review your map.
- You need to ensure your map is custom using the Void map or a baseplate. Maps that re-use existing maps are no longer accepted.
- Your map must be 100% yours, meaning you didn’t simply take someone else’s map and make it your own.
Where to Send
Due to limited time, please submit a YouTube link and/or screenshots of your custom map and any custom settings required to DV on Twitter OR join the Discord server and submit your map in the #mapdatabase channel for review.
Any submissions missing the above information will be rejected.
Entries are reviewed when we can get the time to please be patient. If your entry is accepted you’ll be replied to on Twitter or Discord. Thanks for your patience!